Get a Professional Valuation Report for Your Early Stage Startup, No Expertise Required

Get a Professional Valuation Report for Your Early Stage Startup, No Expertise Required

You’ve poured endless energy into getting your early stage startup off the ground. Between refining your minimal viable product, pitching to investors, and signing up first customers, valuation often takes a backseat.

But determining an accurate valuation is crucial both for raising funds and dividing equity among co-founders. Professional valuation reports typically cost thousands of dollars – not ideal for bootstrapped founders.

That’s why we built VALUTION GENIUS, an online startup valuation calculator requiring no prior financial expertise. By answering a few questions about your business model, traction, and projections, our tool generates a 14-page startup valuation report packed with graphs and visualizations.

🚀 Company Summary:

 Key details like business type, stage of development, number of employees and founders. Helps investors quickly understand your startup.

💰 Valuation Range:

A valuation estimate combining multiple methodologies like VC method, DCF models etc. Includes an interactive graph showing valuation bands. (Our startup valuation methods)

📈 Financial Projections:

Revenue, cost and cash flow forecasts for the next 5 years under both optimistic and conservative scenarios.

Get a Professional Valuation Report for Your Early Stage Startup, No Expertise Required

Plain English breakdown of how different valuation methodologies work and the key assumptions made.


Transparent weights showing the prominence given to different methodologies based on startup stage.

The end result is a beautifully designed, easy-to-understand report you can share with potential investors. Our tool handles all the number crunching and modeling automatically based on your inputs. And there’s no expertise required – you don’t need to be a finance whiz to describe your business model.

Whether you’re raising a seed round or negotiating co-founder equity splits, our startup valuation report brings clarity to this highly complex process through simple questionnaires and insightful data visualizations.

Sign up in minutes and get your report delivered in <5 minutes! We can’t wait to analyze your exciting venture.

Ready to craft your winning valuation slide?

Try ValuationGenius now and take the first step to impress your investors.